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3 Things to Consider When Looking for an Investment Property
INVESTING Prassede Kemp INVESTING Prassede Kemp

3 Things to Consider When Looking for an Investment Property

Property investment has been front and center of our minds here in the Sainz household these past few years. From building our own investment property, renting out our first home, and keeping a close eye on new markets, I have been putting my knowledge of the real estate industry to work in finding us great opportunities to stretch our dollar and prepare for our future.

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Big Changes to Second Home and Investment Mortgages
INVESTING Prassede Kemp INVESTING Prassede Kemp

Big Changes to Second Home and Investment Mortgages

If you have plans to purchase a second home or invest in the near future, hold on tight!

Fannie Mae is changing the eligibility of loans by second home and investment properties. As announced on March 10th in a Letter to Lenders, the number of Fannie Mae loans allowed for second homes has been reduced to 7% (roughly half of the usual percentage).

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