
A New Year and A New Project

 In October of 2022 we decided to put the lovely modern house we built in 2020 on the market. This was always our plan, but it didn’t make the decision any less emotional.  #TheHouseThatBrentBuilt was our first ground up build together.  It was long process that was filled with excitement, arguments, decisions and frustration. It was also the house our daughter spent her first few years of life in.  We listed it for sale on my birthday weekend and had two offers by Monday.

That next weekend we began the search for our next home. We were going back and forth between finding something fully updated to live in while working to find another home to remodel or finding something that needed to be updated while we live in it. After looking at almost 30 homes I kept coming back to this 1960s fixer in a quiet westside neighborhood. We wrote an under asking offer and after some negotiation came to an agreement with the sellers. 

The sellers had owned this home since 1981.  They had not truly updated anything in the home since that decade.  But still, I could see all the memories and love in the home. Every room has a different, funky wallpaper.  The living room has green shag carpet and the family room has a Christmas theme carpet. The backyard is a jungle with trees covered in vines and a slope that looks scary to climb. I can feel the fun vibes and times shared in this home. Time for us to get to work!

We had until New Years Eve to fully move out of #TheHouseThatBrentBuilt and it was a perfect way to close that chapter and move onto the next one. 

We are working on a full remodel of the main level of the home first. Carpet and paint in the bedrooms was a must before moving our beds in. Next will be the guest bathroom followed by the primary bathroom.  We are starting design plans for the kitchen and living room. Brent can’t wait to dig into the backyard and repaint the exterior to a more inspiring color.  This is just the beginning to our next adventure!